Monday, May 30, 2011

Piano Recital

Coleyn and Alex are becoming such the musicians. They did such a great job at the piano recital! We hope you enjoyed it.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Science Fair

Last night we went to Alex's Science Fair. He was so excited because he was selected as a District Alternate. Not bad for a first timer. His question was, "What gas will make a rocket car go the furthest, Helium or Air?

Monday, February 28, 2011

Coleyn Super Student

Coleyn received a Super Student Award at school. Our little super star is in the pink outfit. She loves tutu's right now. She received this award last year too! Way to go Coleyn!

Friday, February 18, 2011

Cleaning Day

Cleaning Day

Eevee wearing a Poor Man's Backpack!

Friday, January 28, 2011

Eevee's 2nd B-day

Eevee loved her cupcake so much she inhaled the frosting. Literally!
Eevee looking at her new book from Mom & Dad.
Eevee lounging on her new rocking chair from Grandma.
Eevee's Birthday Outfit - This was the picture we used on her annoucement.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Santa Kisses

I Saw Eevee Kissing Santa Clause!
We had a Santa Clause figure that was just about her height. Everytime she saw him she would run to Santa and talk to him, hug him and kiss him. To this day she LOVES Santa.