Saturday, December 25, 2010

Christmas 2010

Our own little Pippi Longstocking! Coleyn decided to mix and match some of her Christmas outfits and came up with this ensemble.
Santa surprised us all and brought the family a Wii. The kids were so excited.
Eevee playing on her new rocking horse! She loves it! Now she won't have to fight over the ones in the nursery.
Alex playing with one of his toys. General Grevious light saber that spins.
Coleyn with her new baby Twinn Doll. It looks like her and they have matching outfits.
Eevee with her new Baby Doll

Christmas Outfits

I wonder how much longer we will be able to have coordinating outfits for Christmas. Right now the girls love to dress up and Alex doesn't care what he wears.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

We got together with the cousins and had a Parade of Gingerbread houses. The kids decorated the Gingerbread houses then we lined them up and had the kids each show up their house. It was lots of fun.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Christmas Card 2010

This is the our Christmas Card photo!