Sunday, September 19, 2010

Coleyn's 7th Birthday

We can't believe that Coleyn is 7! She is growing up so fast. She wanted a Polly Pocket party this time. She invited about 13 girls. AAAGH!! It was loud but fun. We used the PollyWorld video as our beginning. One of the bonus features is a part where Polly asks for your help in playing some DVD games. We showed the girls the intro and then played our version of the games. Game one was Help Polly get through the Raging Rapis (our version: carry Polly through an obstacle course in the garage relay), Wind Licorice Around PollyWorld (we laced ribbon around a foam flower with a picture of Polly in the middle to create a door hanger), and Help Polly Do a Canonball Splash (we tried to roll the balls into the blow up target). Coleyn had so much fun. She loves to play games at her party and she loved having all the attention. We did this on Saturday. Then on Sunday (her actual birthday) we celebrated as a family after church. We had more cupcakes and presents. She also got her annual birthday spankings and a pinch to grow an inch.