Saturday, December 25, 2010

Christmas 2010

Our own little Pippi Longstocking! Coleyn decided to mix and match some of her Christmas outfits and came up with this ensemble.
Santa surprised us all and brought the family a Wii. The kids were so excited.
Eevee playing on her new rocking horse! She loves it! Now she won't have to fight over the ones in the nursery.
Alex playing with one of his toys. General Grevious light saber that spins.
Coleyn with her new baby Twinn Doll. It looks like her and they have matching outfits.
Eevee with her new Baby Doll

Christmas Outfits

I wonder how much longer we will be able to have coordinating outfits for Christmas. Right now the girls love to dress up and Alex doesn't care what he wears.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

We got together with the cousins and had a Parade of Gingerbread houses. The kids decorated the Gingerbread houses then we lined them up and had the kids each show up their house. It was lots of fun.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Christmas Card 2010

This is the our Christmas Card photo!

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Halloween 2010

Eevee was our fairy this year; Coleyn was Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz, and Alex was Harry Potter (although he looks like Ron).

Friday, October 29, 2010

Alex's 9th Birthday

We had a swimming party for Alex and his friends on 10/22. It was fun because we rented the whole pool.

On the 29th we celebrated with the family.Janelle made him a basketball snuggie, he received a book from Mom & Dad, 39 clue books & cards & BYU stuff. What a great birthday.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Coleyn's 7th Birthday

We can't believe that Coleyn is 7! She is growing up so fast. She wanted a Polly Pocket party this time. She invited about 13 girls. AAAGH!! It was loud but fun. We used the PollyWorld video as our beginning. One of the bonus features is a part where Polly asks for your help in playing some DVD games. We showed the girls the intro and then played our version of the games. Game one was Help Polly get through the Raging Rapis (our version: carry Polly through an obstacle course in the garage relay), Wind Licorice Around PollyWorld (we laced ribbon around a foam flower with a picture of Polly in the middle to create a door hanger), and Help Polly Do a Canonball Splash (we tried to roll the balls into the blow up target). Coleyn had so much fun. She loves to play games at her party and she loved having all the attention. We did this on Saturday. Then on Sunday (her actual birthday) we celebrated as a family after church. We had more cupcakes and presents. She also got her annual birthday spankings and a pinch to grow an inch.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Here is a picture of Coleyn after ballet recital. She looked so cute and did an amazing job. It is a fight to wear tights every week for practice but by the end she is happy that she did it. We are too!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Piano Recital

At the end of the school year the kids had their piano recital. They both did so well. Coleyn played a piece from Little Mozarts and Alex played Baby Bumblebee. Maybe one of these days I'll get the video up as well for you to enjoy.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

At school they had a Hawaiian Day. They give out awards for the best dressed. Coleyn was named one of the winners. Along with Alex who had a cardboard surf board (which we didn't get a picture of). Eevee even got into the spirit of things her her mini grass skirt.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Here are some fun photos of us at the park. I'm not in any of them because I was taking the photos. This was homework for a photography class. They turned out pretty great, I think.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Pinewood Derby

Alex won 2nd place in the Pinewood Derby on 3-17-2010. With Mom's help he made a Pickachu (or however you spell it) car. He was so proud of it.

Not bad for a first timer!

Friday, March 12, 2010

On February 24, 2010 Alex participated in the Cub Scout Blue and Gold Cake Decorating Contest. With a little help from Mom he created a fun cake that won Most Interesting. It was a Pinewood Derby car racing down the side of a hill. He had lots of fun and now we get to start working an the real pinewood derby car.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Ski Trip

Alex loves to go skiing with Dad. Here are a few pics of them getting ready for skiing.